On a recent trip to Harrisburg, Jim stopped by the Keiser-Fearen Media Center
(that's the library to you old timers).
It is located in what used to be the industrial arts shop on the west...no, make that east side of the school.

The dedication plaque for the Keiser-Fearen Media Center

Here are some "not so great" shots Jim took while visiting the library... er, media center with his digicam from the 1968 Yearbook.
That explains the distortion in the pictures.

Salute magistra! (Okay, the Latin may not be 100% correct, but it's been a few years!)
Mrs. Morrison, everyone's favorite Latin teacher.

Mr. Rozman. Remember when history teachers didn't bend to political correctness?

Ms. Alice Fearen. The course was Western Civilization with the emphasis on civilization.

Cool Russ playing it hot.

Cool Russ in a reflective moment. Wow, teachers could smoke in school back then!
Then again we also had a rifle club. You could have guns in school!
See the above reference to Western Civilization.

Carol Lego in her first job after college.
The caption reads, French 1/2?

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