These guys...well that is less the spouses...were all members of the original NAF, that is before NAF was NAF, before procedures, before fitness for duty...when you could do this sort of thing on your lunch break.  When life was civilized.

One of the men in this picture (okay, that immediately excludes Debra) jumped ship way back when and as a result we got Dave Dziadosz (or however you spell it). Just in case you wanted to know whom to blame.

Tom, explaining to Randy, why sick sigma...oops, I meant to type six sigma, is really 4.5 sigma.

Gary appears to buy into Tom's sick sigma explanation. Bill and Noval appear more skeptical.

Gary, regaling Ben, with the story of his finest moment...Gary's now legendary victory in the "How many olives can you stuff in your mouth contest" during a weekend at Dangerous Dave's.

Ellen and Debra deciding between going shopping or staying and listening to the oldtimers talk shop. And the winner was...

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